SCSI Description
5–80 Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
MODE SELECT (6) Command (15h) (continued)
Table 5–38 Notch and Partition Page — Field Descriptions
Data Field Value Description
PS 0Parameters Savable. This bit is only used with the MODE
SENSE command. The returned value of 0 indicates that the
target is not capable of saving this page in a non-volatile
vendor specific location. This bit is reserved with the MODE
SELECT command.
ND 1Notched (banded) Drive. A value of 0 indicates that the drive
is not notched and that all other parameters in this page are
returned as 0.
The default value of 1 indicates that the device is notched.
For each supported active notch value, this page defines the
starting and ending boundaries of the notch.
LPN 0Logical or Physical Notch. The default value of 0 indicates
that the boundaries of the notch are based on the physical
parameters of the logical unit. The cylinder is considered
most significant and the head least significant.
A value of 1 indicates that the notch boundaries are based on
logical blocks of the logical unit.
MaxNotch 24 This field indicates the maximum number of notches
supported by the logical unit. The value cannot be changed.
Active Notch 0The Active Notch field indicates the notch referenced by this,
and subsequent MODE SELECT and MODE SENSE commands.
The value in this field can be changed by a later MODE
SELECT command. The value of the active notch must be = 0
and = 24. An active notch of 0 indicates that this and
subsequent MODE SELECT and MODE SENSE commands refer
to the parameters that apply across all notches.
Starting Boundary 000000h, This field indicates the beginning of the active notch or, if
00h the active notch is 0, the beginning boundary of the logical
unit. If the LPN value is 1, the starting boundary is a Logical
Block Address.
If the LPN value is 0, the three most significant bytes
designate the starting cylinder number and the least
significant byte is the starting head number. This field is
unchangeable. When used with the MODE SELECT
command, this field is ignored.
NOTE: Temporary fields are underlined. Unsupported fields are not underlined.