SCSI Description
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives 5–83
MODE SELECT (6) Command (15h) (continued)
Table 5–39 XOR Control Page Field Descriptions
Field Default
Value Description
PS 1Parameters Savable. This bit is only used with the
MODE SENSE command. A returned value of 1
indicates that the target is capable of saving the
page in a non-volatile, vendor-specific location. The
bit is reserved with the MODE SELECT command
XOR Dis 0XOR Disable. An XOR disable bit of 0 enables the
XOR functions within a device. An XOR bit of 1
disables the XOR functions within a device.
Maximum XOR Write Size 512 This field specifies the maximum transfer length in
sectors that the target accepts for the XDWRITE or
XPWRITE commands.
Maximum REGEN Size 0The drive does not support this option and ignores
any value placed in this field.
Maximum REBUILD Size 0The drive does not support this option and ignores
any value placed in this field.
REBUILD Delay 0The drive does not support this option and ignores
any value placed in this field.
NOTE: Fully supported fields are underlined. Ignored fields are not underlined.