SCSI Description
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives 5–205
5.41 SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER Command (A4h)The SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER command requests that the device identifier
information in the logical unit be set to the value send via the SET DEVICE
IDENTIFIER command’s parameter list.
Upon successful completion of a SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER command, a Unit
Attention is generated for all initiators except the one that issued the command.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0Operation Code (A4h)
1Reserved Service Action (06h)
2 – 5 Reserved
6 – 9 (MSB) Parameter List Length (LSB)
10 Reserved
11 Control
Figure 5–100 SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER Command Descriptor Block — Data Format
Table 5–95 SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER Command Descriptor Block — Field Descriptions
Field Description
Service Action Must = 06h. Any other value forces Check Condition, Illegal
Parameter List Length This field specifies the length, in bytes, of the Identifier to be
transferred from the application client to the device server. The
maximum value for this field is 64 bytes. A parameter list length
of 0 indicates that no data will be transferred, and that
subsequent REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER commands will return an
Identifier length of 0. If the parameter list length exceeds 64
bytes, then the drive returns a Check Condition status with the
sense key set to Illegal Request, and an additional sense code of
Invalid Field in CDB.