SCSI Description
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives 5–95MODE SELECT (6) Command (15h) (continued)
Table 5–43 Quantum-Unique Page — Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Default Description
Stagger Spin Delay 28h The Stagger Spin Delay is a value in 100 millisecond units that
is used to determine the length of the period of time delay
before starting the disk drive’s motor if the Stagger Spin feature
is used. The actual amount of the delay is determined using the
following formula:
Spin Up Delay = (SCSI ID x Stagger Spin Delay).
Refer to the description of Delay Spin (Byte 3, bit 4).
Note that for the value in Stagger Spin Delay field to have
effect, the Spin Delay hardware jumper must be installed
(Chapter 3).
ASDP 0Always Save Data Pointers. If set = 1, the drive will always send
an SDP message before sending a DISCONNECT message.
Enable Quiet 0Enable Quiet Seek Mode. If set = 1, Quiet Seek mode is
USCIO 0Use Same Cylinder Optimization in OPTWORK. When set = 1,
helps multiple sequential streams.
SAE 0Show All Errors. When this field = 1, errors usually hidden are
DRC 0Disable Reassign Copy. When this field = 0, the disk drive
copies best-guess data to the new physical block during
REASSIGN BLOCKS command processing. If the disk drive
cannot successfully read the original block’s data, the disk drive
sets a Forced Error flag in the replacement block’s flags.
When this field = 1, the disk drive does not copy a block’s data
and obtain best-guess data; it first reassigns the block and then
writes data to the block. Until it is overwritten by a subsequent
WRITE command, a reassigned block’s data is undefined and its
Forced Error flag is set.
NMAIOP 0No MAIOP. When this field = 1, MAIOP is disabled.
DNTRA 0Disable Next Track Read Ahead. Do not prefetch next track.
Soft Fault 0When this field is set = 1, the disk drive’s FAULT led illuminates.