SCSI Description
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives 5–97
MODE SELECT (6) Command (15h) (continued)
Table 5–43 Quantum-Unique Page — Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Default Description
ESL 0Enable Save Log. When set = 1, saving and loading of non-
SMART pages to/from the MCS area is enabled.
IMR 0Infinite Message Retry. When set = 1, the number of retries at
a message error is infinite.
IOE 1Individual ORCA Profile Enabled. When set = 0, this feature is
ArcsOn 0Arcs always on.
DlyESP 0Delay ESP. For ESP (anticipatory-READ) commands only, when
set = 1 the delay from data phase to the first REQ of data is
increased from about 2 µs to about 16 µs.
Force10 0When this bit = 0, the disk drive may negotiate for a transfer
period less than 19h.
When this bit = 1, SDTR transfer period is limited to 19h
DEWG 1Disable ESP WRITE Guess. When = 1, enables this feature.
Enable Comm Timeout 0Enable Command Timeout. When = 1, enables this feature.
MaxSkip 5The value of this field specifies the number of times that a host
request can be skipped over (such as when performing
queuing optimizations). This parameter affects only queued
commands. Some host operating systems support tagged
command queuing which allows for multiple requests to be
resident in the disk drive simultaneously. The disk drive can
then re-order execution of the requests to improve throughput.
For systems in which minimum completion time of a request is
more important than throughput, MaxSkip can be reduced.
Values allowed range from 0 to 255.
Vendor Specific --- Proprietary Information
Minimum Block Threshold 1This field specifies the minimum number of blocks ready
before starting data transfer.