SCSI Description
5–84 Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
MODE SELECT (6) Command (15h) (continued) Power Condition Page (1Ah)
The Power Condition Page controls disk drive Power Management functions. Power
Management provides three sub-states of UNIT READY:
ACTIVE This is the state of highest power consumption for the disk
drive. A media access command is acted upon immediately by
the drive.
IDLE This is a state of lower power consumption for the disk drive. A
media access command is acted upon after a delay of
approximately one second.
STANDBY This is the state of lowest power consumption for the disk drive.
A media access command is delayed by approximately 10 seconds
before being acted upon.
Note that in all three sub-states, the drive remains READY.
The figure that follows shows the data format of the page; any fully supported fields
are underlined meaning that they are savable if modified with a MODE SELECT
command with the PS bit set. Following the figure, a table is provided that contains
a description of the Power Condition Page fields.