The TAD has two prerecorded outgoing messages. One asks the caller to leave a message: “Hello, no one is available to take your call. Please leave a message after the tone.” The TAD uses this mes- sage when REC TIME is set to 1 or 4 (see “Setting the Record Time” on Page 29).
The other is simply an announcement and does not let the caller leave a mes- sage: “Hello, no one is available to take your call.” The TAD uses this message when REC TIME is set to ANN (an- nouncement only)
You can also record your own message (see “Recording/Deleting an Outgoing Message”). When you record your own outgoing message, the TAD uses it for all REC TIME settings.
To switch between your outgoing mes- sage and the TAD’s prerecorded mes- sage, press OGM. When the current message begins to play, press OGM again. The TAD switches to the other message and plays it.
To record your outgoing message (up to 30 seconds long), hold down OGM until the TAD beeps and
Hint: Do not tell callers that you are not home. Instead, say that you cannot come to the phone right now.
Note: The
To delete your outgoing message and use the TAD’s prerecorded messages, hold down OGM until the TAD beeps. Then press OGM again within two sec- onds.