•To reduce fat splashing when you add vegetables to hot fat around a roast, dry them thoroughly or brush lightly with cooking oil.
•Where dishes may boil and spill over during cooking, place them on a baking tray.
The oven is protected by a safety cut off, which reduces the supply of gas to the oven if the flames go out, e.g. an interruption to the mains supply.
•Plates can be warmed in the oven on the ‘S’ setting. The ‘S’ setting can be used to keep foods hot for
•The Cook & Clean oven liners (see Cleaning your cooker) work better when fat splashes are avoided. Cover meat when cooking.
•Suffi cient heat rises out of the oven while cooking to warm plates in the grill compartment.
•If you want to brown the base of a pastry dish, preheat the baking tray for 15 minutes before placing the dish in the centre of the tray.
The Main Oven shelves
the shelf guard should be at the back pointing upwards
The oven shelves can be easily removed and refitted.
Pull the shelf forward until the back of the shelf is stopped by the shelf stop bumps in the oven sides.
Lift up the front of the shelf so the back of the shelf will pass under the shelf stop and then pull the shelf forward.
To refit the shelf, line up the shelf with a groove in the oven side and push the shelf back until the ends hit the shelf stop. Lift up the front so the shelf ends clear the shelf stops, and then lower the front so that the shelf is level and push it fully back.
The Handyrack
The maximum weight that can be held by the Handyrack is 5.5kg (12lb). It should only be used with the supplied meat tin, which is designed
to fi t the Handyrack. Any other vessel could be unstable.
The Handyrack fi ts to the left hand oven door only. Food cooking on it is easy to attend to, because it’s accessible when the door is open. It can be fi tted at two different heights. One of the oven shelves must be removed and the other positioned to suit.
When the Handyrack is used in its highest position, other dishes can be cooked on the bottom shelf position of the oven or standing on the base of the oven
When the Handyrack is used in its lowest position, other dishes can be cooked on the second shelf position of the oven or standing on the base of the oven.