4-5.Capturing a video from a DV tape

When you want to capture a video image from a DV tape, follow steps through.

1.Set a DV tape in a DVCAM and confirm the DVCAM mode is set to video mode. Video Mode means you can control a video of a DV tape. If your DVCAM is in camera mode, change mode selection switch from camera mode to video mode slowly as mentioned 4-4.Capturing a video from a DVCAM in camera mode.

2.Select [DV mode] on the [Application Setting] as shown in 4-3.Application settings.

3.When you click the DV play button on the Video Control Bar, the DV tape will start to play and a video image of the DV tape will appear in the preview window.

4.Click the button to start capturing.

5.Click the

button to stop capturing.

You can also stop capturing by using the

stop button on the Video Control Bar or

pressing ESC button on the keyboard.


6.If you checked [Rename file name every capture execution] on the [Application Setting], You will see the window.You can

rename the captured file.

7.The file will be saved in the folder you set at [Set Folder Name To Save Capture Files] on the [Application Setting].


1.When you preview, it puts some load on PCs. If data loss happens, don't check [Capture With Preview] on the [Application Setting]. For more information, please refer to the Chapter 8-4.A captured file is choppy or jerky.

2.To capture correct DV file, you have to use original DV footages which has continuous Timecode(recording). If the original DV footage has intermittent Time code, sometimes it may cause system freeze or may not be captured.