For Windows Users
•If the following CardBus Bridge chip name is the same as your laptop uses, you can not use the CBFW3 with your laptop.
If your CardBus Bridge name is Ricoh CardBus Bridge RL5C476, the following problems happens.
A)You can not use suspend/resume mode.
B)You can not use another PC Card simultaneously with the CBFW3.
For Macintosh Users
•If your PowerBook G3 is not 333 or 400, frame dropping may happen when you capture a video from a DVCAM directly to a FireWire HDD.
For Windows/Macintosh Users
•You can not use this product with the following DVCAMs.(As of March in 2001)
•Frame drop happens when you capture or export if you use the following DVCAMs made by CANON and 1394 storage devices simultaneously. The DVCAMs causes such a problem.
But, the following DVCAMs or later models do not cause such a problem.
•You may not be able to insert another PC Card with the CBFW3 simultaneously. You may not be able to insert the CBFW3 in the upper PC card slot.