4-6.DV Batch Capture
Batch capture function saves video images files as your time scheduling. To batch capture video images from a DV tape, follow steps through.
1.To show the Batch Capture Window as shown right, select [Batch Capture List] of the [View] in the system menu.
2.Set a DV tape in a DVCAM and confirm the DVCAM mode is set to video mode. Video Mode means you can control a video of a DV tape. If your DVCAM is in camera mode,change mode selection switch from camera mode to video mode slowly as mentioned
from a DVCAM in camera mode.
3.Click the DV play button on the Video Control Bar to play the DV tape.
4.Click the In point button when you want to start capturing.
5.Click the Out point button when you want to stop capturing.
6.Click the Add button to add time code to the window as shown above.
To capture other Video images of the DV tape, repeat the steps from 4 to 6.
7.Click the start button to show the Batch Capture dialog box as shown in the next page.