8-2.When you can not export smooth and clear
video image to a DVCAM(Windows 98SE/Me)
If you use Windows 2000, see
to a DVCAM(Windows 2000).
In the CBFW3
If you can not get smooth video image on your laptop PC, you need other solutions such as
fast CPU, big memory, and fast HDD. Also, DXMedia6.0 library, Powermanagement disable, LAN disable control.
1. Before installation of the driver.
You have to check the CardBus Bridge chip included in your laptop PC before the installation of this driver. If your CardBus Bridge chip is not listed in the CardBus Bridges name list written in the next page, the driver can not improve DV export transfer capability.
Here is how to check your CardBus Bridge chip name. Please follow the steps.
1.Click My Computer with the right button of the mouse. 2.Select Properties.
3.System Properties window will appear. 4.Click the Device Manager tab.
6.You can see some CardBus Bridge chip name string. If you can find your CardBus Bridge name in the CardBus Bridges name list written in the next page, you should install the driver.