Major Features
Using the Program Guide for PPV Programs
The Program Details screen comes up if you point to a PPV program in the Program Guide and press SELECT.
Program Details
To purchase this program, point to BUY and press SELECT.
Then, point to EXIT and press SELECT.
Dogzilla Returns
Start time: 10:00 pm
Stop time: 12:00 am
Cost to view: $ 6.00
Using the Attractions Menu for PPV Programs
Your program providers may offer future programming events not currently listed in your Program Guide. These events are called “coming attractions,” and can be previewed and purchased through the Attractions menu.
1. Press MENU to bring up the Main menu.
2.Point to Attractions and press SELECT.
3.Point to the type of attraction you want to preview and press
4.Press SELECT during the preview to bring up the Program Details display screen.
5.Point and select to buy or find out more about the coming attraction. Purchase the event in the same manner as a PPV program.