Laser Facsimile

Code 04 - Non programmed number

A number saved as a One-Touch button or abbreviated number is not valid, check it. (Example: a delayed transmission was programmed with a One-Touch button and this button has been deleted in the meantime).

Code 05 - Scanning default

An incident occurred with the scanner, for example, the sheet is jammed.

Code 06 - Printer default

An incident occurred in the printer: no paper, paper jam, opened cover... In the reception mode, this incident appears only if the reception parameter is switched to


Code 07 - Disconnected

The link has been cut (bad line). Check the number and try again.

Code 08 - Quality

The document you sent was not well received. Contact your subscriber to see if you need to send again.

Code 0A - No document to be polled

You tried to poll a document from a subscriber who had not prepared his document (no deposit) or the password entered was incorrect.

Code 0B - Wrong number of pages

There is a difference between the number of pages indicated during preparation for the transmission and the number of pages sent. Check the number of pages in the document.

Code 0C - Received document error

Ask the subscriber who called you to check the length of his document (it may be too long to be completely received).

Code 0D - Transmission failed

Ask the sender to resend the document.

Code 13 - Memory full

Your fax can no longer receive since its memory is full. There are too many received unprinted documents or too many documents in the transmission line.

Print the received documents and delete or transmit immediately the documents in the transmission line.

Code 14 - Memory full

Received document memory full.

Code 19 - Subscriber has stopped

The communication has been stopped by your subscriber. (Example: a fax wanted to poll your fax but there is no document deposited).

Code 1A - Disconnected

The transmission has not started. The telephone line is busy.

Code 1B - Transmission failed

During transmission: start again.

During reception: ask your subscriber to resend the document.

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