| Message | Causes | Solutions | |
| |
| Maximum number of | The number of copies ex- | You can change the maximum copy | |
| sets is *. | ceeds the maximum copy | quantity. See p.94 “Max. Copy | |
| quantity. | Quantity”. | |
| |
| Original is being | The Document Server func- | To cancel the job in process, press | |
| scanned by another | tion is in use. | [Exit], and then press the {Document | |
| function. |
| Server}key. Next, press the | |
| {Clear/Stop}key. When the message | |
| ”[Stop] key was | |
| pressed.Stop storing?” | |
| appears, press [Stop]. | |
3 |
| |
| You do not have the | The use of this function is | Contact the administrator. | ||
| |||||
| privileges to use | restricted to authentified |
| |
| this function. | users only. |
| |
| |
| Authentication has | The entered login user | Inquire the user administrator for | |
| failed. | name or login password is | the correct login user name and | |
| not correct. | login password. | |
| |
| The machine cannot per- | Contact the administrator. | |
| form authentication. |
| |
| |
| The selected | You have tried to delete | Files can be deleted by the person | |
| file(s) which you | files without the authority | who created the file. To delete a file | |
| do not have access | to do so. | which you are not authorized to de- | |
| privileges to |
| lete, contact the person who created | |
| the file. | ||
| could not be de- |
| ||
| ||
| leted. |
| |
| |
| “Updating the des- | The destination list is being | Wait until the message disappears. | |
| tination | updated from the network | Do not switch off the power while | |
| list...Please | using SmartDeviceMonitor | this message is displayed. | |
| wait. Specified | for Admin. Depending on |
| |
| the number of destinations |
| ||
| destination(s) or |
| ||
| to be updated, there may |
| ||
| sender's name has |
| ||
| be some delay before you |
| ||
| been cleard.” ap- |
| ||
| can resume operation. Op- |
| ||
| pears, and operations are |
| ||
| erations are not possible |
| ||
| not possible. |
| ||
| while this message is dis- |
| ||
| ||
| played. |
| |