| If You Cannot Make Copies As You Want |
❖ Edit |
Problem | Causes | Solutions |
In Double Copies mode, | Combination of original | Select 81/2" ⋅ 11" for 51/2" ⋅ 81/2" |
parts of the original image | and copy paper is not cor- | originals and 11" ⋅ 17"L for 81/2" ⋅ |
are not copied. | rect. | 11"K originals. |
| ||
In Border, Center, or Cent- | You set a wide erased mar- | Make the margin width narrower. |
er/Border mode, parts of | gin. | You can adjust it between |
the original image are not |
| |
copied. |
| Width”and p.97 “Erase Center |
| Width”. |
| 3 |
| Originals are not scanned | Place the originals correctly. |
| |
| correctly. |
In Margin Adjustment | You set a wide erased mar- | Set a narrower margin with User |
mode, parts of the original | gin. | Tools. You can set the width be- |
image are not copied. |
| tween |
There is a lack of margin |
| ||
| “Front Margin: Left/Right”, p.97 |
| |
| space on the opposite side |
| |
| “Front Margin: Top/Bottom”, p.97 |
| |
| of the binding position. |
| |
| “Back Margin: Left/Right”, and |
| |
| |
| p.97 “Back Margin: Top/Bottom”. |
In Image Repeat mode, the | You selected copy paper | Select copy paper larger than the |
original image is not cop- | the same size as the origi- | originals. |
ied repeatedly. | nals, or you did not select |
Select the proper reproduction ratio. |
| ||
| the proper reproduction |
| |
| |
| ratio. |
❖ Stamp |
Problem | Causes | Solutions |
The stamp position is | The paper orientation is | Check the paper orientation and |
wrong. | wrong. | stamp position. |