MIDI Implementation
■ System Exclusive Message
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H iiH, ddH, ..., eeH F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
iiH Manufacturer ID
41H RolandsManufacturerID'
7EH Universal Non Realtime Message
7FH Universal Realtime Message
ddH Data: 00H–7FH (0–127)
| |
eeH Data
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
● Universal System Exclusive Message
✧ Identity Reply
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7EH, Dev, 06H, 02H, 41H, 3BH, 01H, 00H, 00H, ssH, ssH, ssH, ssH, ssH F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7EH Universal System Exclusive Message Non Realtime Header
Dev Device ID
06H General Information (sub-ID #1)
02H Identify Reply (sub-ID #2)
41H Manufacturer ID (Roland)
3BH, 01H Device Family Code (CDX-1)
00H, 00H Device Family No.
ssH, ssH, ssH, ssH Software Revision Level
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
The CDX-1 transmits as the device ID 10H.
❍ MIDI Time Code
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 01H, 01H, hr, mn, sc, fr F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID
01H MIDI Time Code (sub-ID #1)
01H Full Message (sub-ID #2)
hr type/hours (0yyzzzzz)
yy Time code type
0 = 24 frame/sec
1 = 25 frame/sec
2 = 30 frame/sec (Drop frame)
3 = 30 frame/sec (Non-drop frame)
zzzzz Hours (0-23)
mn Minutes (0-59)
sc Seconds (0-59)
fr Frames (0-29)
F7H EOX (End of Exclusive)
If the time locate is operated effectively, the CDX-1 transmits as the device ID 7FH.
❍ MIDI Machine Control Commands
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, aaH, ..., bb F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID
06H MMC Command Message
aaH Command
| |
bbH Command
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
* See “4. MIDI Machine Control“ section.
4. MIDI Machine Control■ MIDI Machine Control Details
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 01H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID
06H MMC Command Message
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the transport switch [STOP] was pressed, the CDX-1 transmits as the device ID 7FH.
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 03H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID
06H MMC Command Message
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the transport switch [PLAY] was pressed, the CDX-1 transmits as the device ID 7FH.
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 06H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID
06H MMC Command Message
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the transport switch [REC] was pressed out of the recording condition, the CDX-1
transmits as the device ID 7FH.
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 07H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID
06H MMC Command Message
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the transport switch [REC] was pressed while recording, the CDX-1 transmits as the
device ID 7FH.
❍ Format 2-LOCATE [TARGET]
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 44H, 06H, 01H, hrH, mnH, scH, frH, ffH F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID
06H MMC Command Message
06H Number of Bytes
01H “TARGET“ sub command
hrH, mnH, scH, frH, ffH Standard Time with Sub Frame
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the time locate is operated effectively, the CDX-1 transmits as the device ID 7FH.