Using the Keyboard parts
E-80 Music Workstation
Turn it towards “KEYBOARD” if the notes you play
yourself are too soft. Turn it towards “ACCOMP” if
your playing is too loud with respect to the Arranger
(or song).
Note: See page 106 for how to set the balance between the
Keyboard parts.
(5) Press the PART ON/OFF buttons of other Keyboard
Parts you want to add (by “layering” them).
Alternating between soundsThe E-80 allows you to play several sounds simulta-
neously using the Keyboard parts. Other parts are
played by the Arranger/Styles and are called Style parts.
And finally, there are the Song parts that are controlled
by the Recorder function.
The Keyboard parts can be used together or to quickly
alternate between sounds.
Use the PART ON/OFF buttons to select the part(s) you
want to play.
You can play several sounds simultaneously (which is
called a “layer”), or via separate keyboard zones (“split”).
There is even a dynamic split function (see p. 99). Below
please find an explanation of the Keyboard parts.
(See p. 82 for the Style parts.)
•UP1 (Upper1): Upper1 is normally the main solo part
(and switched on automatically in Piano mode).
•UP2: The Upper2 part can be used as additional solo
part to be layered with the Upper1 part or as an
alternative melody sound. It provides two tuning
parameters (“Coarse” and “Fine”) Upper1 does not
•UP3: The Upper3 part is yet another solo part that
can be added to UP1 and UP2. It can also be used in
an additional split combination (see p. 99).
•LW1 and LW2: The Lower1 and Lower2 parts can
either be used in the same way as the UP parts (in
WHOLE mode) or be assigned to the left half of the
keyboard (in SPLIT mode).
•MBS: In WHOLE mode, the MBS part is yet another
“normal” part. In SPLIT mode, it supplies a semi-auto-
matic bass line to your left-hand notes if one of the
two LW parts is active. When neither LW button
lights, it behaves like any other Keyboard part.
Note: All Keyboard parts can be used to play drum sounds.
Unlike previous Roland arranger instruments, the E-80 no
longer provides a dedicated “Manual Drums” part.
•MELODY INTELL (Melody Intelligence): This part is
triggered by the Arranger and plays automatic har-
monies that are added to the melody you play using
the UP1 part. You cannot play that part yourself. That
explains why its button not part of the KEYBOARD
PART section (it is one of the two TONE EFFECTS but-
tons). You can choose from among 18 harmony types
(page 84).
Selecting sounds for the Keyboard parts■One Touch
The easiest way to select suitable Tones for the Key-
board parts while working with the Arranger is by
using the ONE TOUCH feature. The One Touch memo-
ries are in fact small User Programs. See p. 87 for
(1) Press the desired ONE TOUCH button.
There are four One Touch memories per Music Style.
Their settings are included in the Style data them-
selves and can thus be copied to other E-80 units
simply by copying the Music Style files.
Note: One Touch memories usually switch on the SYNC START
function. If you don’t want the Arranger to start as soon as you
play a note or chord, switch off the [SYNC¥START] button.
(2) Select a Music Style (page 27) and start Arranger
playback by pressing the [START÷STOP] button.
Start playing to the accompaniment. You will notice
that the sounds of all Keyboard parts match the
mood of the selected Style.
(3) Select a different Style and again play a solo line.
The active Keyboard part (probably UP1) now uses a
different sound (even Keyboard parts that are off
change sounds).
(4) Press another ONE TOUCH button to use that reg-
(5) Press the same button again if you no longer need
the One Touch setting.
■Choosing sounds manually
The E-80 contains 1100 Tones (or sounds) and 54 Drum
(1) Specify the part you wish to assign another sound
or Drum Set to:
• Press the TONE ASSIGN button of the desired part (so
that it lights).
UP 3 UP 2 UP 1