Quick Start
E-80 Music Workstation
Quick location of the song you needThere are several ways of quickly locating the song you
are after:
■Sorting files
Press the [SONG¥NAME], [ARTIST], [GENRE] or
[FILE¥NAME] field to sort the song files according to
artist names, kind of music (Genre) or file name
(which is usually rather incomprehensible). The right
column now contains the selected entry (only one of
them can be displayed along with the song name).
Continue with step (3) to select the song you want to
listen to.
■Using the Index function
After performing step (2), press the [INDEX] field in
the upper left corner.
The display changes to:
(5) Press one of the displayed field names to narrow
down your search to songs that belong to the
selected category (“Index”).
The display now returns to the page shown under
step (1) above. This time, however, only the songs
belonging to the selected Index are displayed.
(6) Continue with step (3) to select the song you want
to listen to.
Note: Press the [ALL] field to display all songs in the selected
■Using Play & Search
If you only know the melody of the desired song,
press the [FINDER] field under step (1).
• Press the [PLAY&SEARCH] field.
• As indicated in the display, play the main theme on
the keyboard. You can play in any key and the rhythm
doesn’t have to be perfect either (this function just
looks for intervals).
• If you played a wrong note, press
• To enter the entire line again, press [∫≈RESET] to erase
the previously entered notes, then play the phrase
• After entering the melody, press the [FIND] field.
The display now returns to step (1) on page 41 and
shows the names of the songs that contain the mel-
ody you played.
• Press the field of the song you want to play back.
Note: If no songs were found, the following message appears
and no file names are displayed (in which case you need to
press the [SONG¥NAME], [ARTIST], [GENRE] or [FILE¥NAME] field
to display all songs again):
If the E-80 did find one or several matches, the
“FOUND” number will be smaller than the “GLOBAL”
Starting playback(7) To return to the main page, press [EXIT].
The “main page” is the E-80’s display page that pro-
vides a maximum of relevant information and allows
you to select (and change) items you may need dur-
ing normal operation.