Quick Start
E-80 Music Workstation
The organ sound you hear now is assigned to the
LOWER 1 part. To change it, press the TONE ASSIGN
[LW1] button (or the MODE [HARMONIC¥BAR] button
below the sliders) and move the sliders.
Of course, you can also change the PERCUSSION set-
tings of the LW1 organ part.
(7) Press TONE ASSIGN [UP1] if you need to change the
UPPER 1 part’s registration again.
WARNING: The E-80’s assignable sliders are not
motorized. It is therefore very likely that their physi-
cal positions no longer correspond to what you see
(and hear) on the HARMONIC BARS “UPPER 1” page.
We recommend quickly moving a slider all the way
up or down before actually setting it to the desired
If you like a registration…You can save it to one of the eight memories: press the
[WRITE] field (it “lights”), then one of the numeric fields
Note: This only saves the registration of the currently selected
part. You will have to repeat this for the other sections if you
want to save their registrations too.
Press another numeric field to recall the settings
stored in that memory, in which case the sound
About the MANUAL fieldThe [MANUAL] field on the HARMONIC BARS page
allows you to change the organ sound so as to corre-
spond to the current positions of the sliders. This will
change the sound. (After selecting another memory,
the physical slider positions usually no longer corre-
spond to the sound you hear.)
Using just one organ sound and bass pedalsAs stated earlier, pressing the EASY SETTING [ORGAN]
button creates a split that involves two organ sounds
(UP1 and LW1). This actually simulates a two-manual
If you only need one organ sound assigned to the
entire keyboard, press the KBD MODE [WHOLE] but-
ton (its indicator must light).
Press PART ON/OFF [LW1] to switch off the LOWER 1
Note: You could connect a PK-5A MIDI pedal to the E-80’s
MIDI IN socket and use it to trigger the MBS (M. BASS) part.
See page 237 for the E-80’s MIDI functions.
Using effectsAn organ sound without rotary speaker modulation is
only half an organ sound, right? So let’s have a look at
this and the other effects, because the E-80 provides a
lot more than just a convincing rotary effect.
(1) On the “HARMONIC BARS” page (UPPER 1,
LOWER 1 or M.BASS), press the [EFFECTS] field in
the upper left-hand corner.
These effects are shared by all three “organ sections”.
It therefore doesn’t matter on what page you press
the [EFFECTS] field.
OVERDRIVE: This effect distorts the sound, giving it
an “edge” and making it suitable for hard rock and
similar musical genres. Press the [ON÷OFF] field to
switch this effect on or off. To change the setting,
press the display icon and rotate the [DATA÷ENTRY]
dial (or use the [DEC]/[INC] buttons).
LEAKAGE: On tone wheel organs, the sound of the
note that was pressed is slightly “contaminated” by
audio signals from tone wheels not related to that
note. Formerly, this was seen as a problem, but today
this idiosyncrasy is considered an important element
of the distinctive sound of a traditional instrument.
This parameter allows you to set the level of the
“noise”. To change the setting, press the display icon
and rotate the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial (or use the [DEC]/
[INC] buttons).
PERCUSSION: By selecting “HARD”, you strengthen
the percussion sound. That’s because the organ
sound specified with the harmonic bars becomes
softer. Conversely, you can select “SOFT”, in which
LW 1