Creating a Patch

Resonance V-Sens

(Resonance Velocity Sensitivity)

This allows keyboard velocity to modify the amount of Resonance. If
you want strongly played notes to have a greater Resonance effect,
set this parameter to positive (+) settings. If you want strongly
played notes to have less Resonance, use negative (-) settings.


-63– +63

F-Env V-Curve (TVF Envelope Velocity Curve)

Selects one of the following 7 curves that will determine how
keyboard playing dynamics will affect the TVF envelope. Set this to
“FIXED” when the amount of TVF Envelope applied is not to be
changed according to the force with which the keys are pressed.


FIXED, 1–7


F-Env V-Sens (TVF Envelope Velocity Sensitivity)

Specifies how keyboard playing dynamics will affect the depth of the
TVF envelope. Positive (+) settings will cause the TVF envelope to
have a greater effect for strongly played notes, and negative (-)
settings will cause the effect to be less.


-63– +63

F-Env T1 V-Sens

(TVF Envelope Time 1 Velocity Sensitivity)

This allows keyboard dynamics to affect the Time 1 of the TVF
envelope. If you want Time 1 to be speeded up for strongly played
notes, set this parameter to a positive (+) value. If you want it to be
slowed down, set this to a negative (-) value.
-63– +63

F-Env T4 V-Sens

(TVF Envelope Time 4 Velocity Sensitivity)

The parameter to use when you want key release speed to control
the Time 4 value of the TVF envelope. If you want Time 4 to be
speeded up for quickly released notes, set this parameter to a
positive (+) value. If you want it to be slowed down, set this to a
negative (-) value.


-63– +63


F-Env Depth (TVF Envelope Depth)

Specifies the depth of the TVF envelope. Higher settings will cause
the TVF envelope to produce greater change. Negative (-) settings
will invert the shape of the envelope.


-63– +63

F-Env Time KF (TVF Envelope Time Key Follow)

Use this setting if you want the TVA envelope times (Time 2–Time 4)
to be affected by the keyboard location. Based on the TVF envelope
times for the C4 key (center C), positive (+) settings will cause notes
higher than C4 to have increasingly shorter times, and negative (-)
settings will cause them to have increasingly longer times. Larger
settings will produce greater change.


-100, -90, -80, -70, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30,
+40, +50, +60, +70, +80, +90, +100

fig.Time KF.e

F-Env Time 1–4

(TVF Envelope Time 1–4)

, ,

Specify the TVF envelope times (Time 1–Time 4). Higher settings
will lengthen the time until the next cutoff frequency level is
reached. (For example, Time 2 is the time over which Level 1 will
change to Level 2.)

fig.TVF Env.e

F-Env Level 0–4 (TVF Envelope Level 0–4)

Specify the TVF envelope levels (Level 0–Level 4). These settings
specify how the cutoff frequency will change at each point, relative
to the standard cutoff frequency (the cutoff frequency value
specified in the TVF screen).


C4C3C2C1 C5 C6 C7

1 2 4

T1 T2 T3 T4
L0 L2 L4
Note off
Frequency Time
Note on
T: Time L: Level
Reference_e.book 52 ページ 2003年7月14日 月曜日 午後3時25分