Choosing and Playing Patches
Quick Start

Choosing Patches

When you’ve selected the Patch mode or the Performance mode, after
changing the Category and Bank with the CATEGORY/BANK knob, you
can choose a patch by turning the VALUE knob.
You can use either of two methods to choose
a patch: choosing by bank (display with
white text) or choosing by category (display
in blue text).

Choosing Patches by Bank

In this section, let’s choose No. 108 Flute from USER (the User group).
1Press the VALUE knob to choose the Patch mode (PATCH).
Pressing the VALUE knob makes the mode change sequentially. Press the
knob several times, until the PATCH indicator lights up.
2Turn the CATEGORY/BANK knob to choose USER.
3Turn the VALUE knob and choose 108.
4You can listen to the selected patch sound (USER No. 108
Flute) by holding down the VOLUME knob.
At this time, the currently selected preset bank USr (USER) and the patch
number 108 appear in alternation on the display.
by bankby category
You can’t choose a WAVE-
EXP patch unless a Wave
Expansion Board is
installed in the slot EXP-B.
When no Wave Expansion
Board is installed, - - -
appears on the display.

4 1,3 2

Turning the VALUE knob
rapidly makes the value
change in large increments.
For more information
about the onboard patches,
take a look at “Patch List”
(p. 54).