Creating and Editing Songs
Composing an Accompaniment By Entering Chords (Chord Sequencer)
You can enter a chord progression and choose the places
where the accompaniment pattern will change to create an
accompaniment for a song. This feature is called Chord
Thanks to the chord sequencer, you can create an
accompaniment ahead of time and play along with your
right hand.
1. Press the [Menu] button and watch the indicator light
The Menu screen appears.
2. Touch <Chord Sequencer>.
The screen like the one shown below is called Chord
Sequencer screen.
3. Press a Music Style button or the touch screen to select
a Music Style (p. 39).
4. Touch <Exit>.
You are returned to the Chord Sequencer screen.
5. Enter the chord progression and the accompaniment
Refer to Inputting Chords with the Chord Sequencer.
6. When you have finished inputting all the data, touch
The accompaniment youve composed is registered at 0:
New Song.
When storage of the data is complete, return to the Menu
Now, press the [ (Play/Stop)] button, and try
playing the melody along with the accompaniment you
* Songs youve created are discarded as soon as you turn off the
power. If you do not want to delete the song, save it to a floppy
disk or to user memory. Refer to Saving Songs (p. 87).
Inputting Chords with the Chord Sequencer
1. Use the dial to move the cursor to the input position.
Use the [ (Bwd)] and [ (Fwd)] buttons to move
the cursor one measure at a time.
2. Enter the chord progression and the changes in the
accompaniment pattern and arrangement.
Just as when performing with Automatic
Accompaniment, press the keys to specify a chord, and
press a button to select the accompaniment pattern (p.
46). You can change the Style Orchestrator with the
Performance Pads (p. 48).
3. Touch <Ins> once to insert one measure before the
measure where the cursor is currently positioned.
If you touch <Del>, the measure where the cursor is
currently positioned is deleted, while the measures that
follow are moved forward.
To remove what you have input, move the cursor to the
position with input you want to delete, then touch
<Clear>. This deletes the entered setting.
You can only insert an intro at the beginning of a song. When
Display Description
Ins One measure is inserted before the measure
where the cursor is positioned.
Del The measure in which the cursor is posi-
tioned is deleted.
Allows input of chords without playing the
keyboard. Refer to Inputting Chords with-
out Playing the Keyboard (p. 107).
All Clear Deletes all of the data thats been input.
Clear Deletes the data at the cursor position.
Records the input chord progression.
Touch this icon when you have finished in-
putting all of the chords.
This is the cursor. The cursor shows
where the chord change or other infor-
mation is input.
This is the end of the song. When continu-
ing to add input, insert measures by touch-
ing <Ins>.
This indicates the position where the accompaniment pattern (Divi-
sion) or the Style Orchestrator changes.
Move the cursorChange the accompaniment arrangements
Select the accompaniment pattern (Division)
KR105.book Page 106 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:25 PM