Recording and Saving the Performance
Determining the name of the song to be saved
4. Touch <Rename>.
The following Rename screen appears.
When you touch , the cursor moves.
When you touch the icon for the letter or character to be input, the character appears
at the cursor location. For example touching <ABC> in succession cycles you
through the available choices in that character group (ABC...).
Each touch of <A-a-0-!> cycles the type of characters through English (upper case),
English (lower case), numerals, symbols, then back to English (upper case).
When you touch <Del>, the character at the cursor position is deleted.
When you touch <Ins>, a space is inserted at the cursor position.
5. When you have finished with the name, touch <Exit>.
Determining the Save Destination
6. Touch <Disk> or <Favorites>.
Touch <Disk> if you are saving to a floppy disk; touch <Favorites> if you are saving
to Favorites.
7. Touch to select the save-destination song number.
If a song name is displayed with a number a song is already saved to that number.
If you select a number with a previously saved song and then proceed to save a new
song, the previously saved song will be erased. If you do not want to lose a saved
song, select a number with no song name indicated in the save-destination column.
KR105.book Page 88 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:25 PM