Creating and Editing Songs
Deleting Measures (Delete)
You can delete a part of a performance measure by measure.
When a portion of a performance is deleted, the rest of the
performance is shifted up to fill the gap. Erasing measures in
a specified passage is called deleting.
At Step 3 of Selecting the editing function (p. 107), select
A screen like the one shown below appears.
Inserting Blank Measures (Insert)
You can add a blank measure at a location you specify. This
addition of a blank measure is called insertion.
At Step 3 of Selecting the editing function (p. 107), select
A screen like the one shown below appears.
Item Content
From Measure number of the first measure of the
segment to be deleted
For Number of measures to be deleted
Track button or part number to be deleted
When All is selected, the same portion of all
parts is deleted.



Ex. To delete measures (bars) 5-8
Item Content
From Measure number of the first measure of the
segment to be inserted
For Number of measures to be inserted
Track button or part number where data will be
When All is selected, blank measures are in-
serted at the same place in all parts.


12345678 9 10

Ex. To insert measures (bars) 5-7
KR105.book Page 110 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:25 PM