Song Playback
2. Touch the name of the song to be played back.
You use and the dial to select songs.

Playing back

3. Press the [ (Play/Stop)] button.
The button indicator lights up, and playback of the song begins.

Stopping the Song

4. Press the [ (Play/Stop)] button once again.
The button indicator light goes out, and the song stops.
When the song is finished, playback stops automatically.
Press the [ (Reset)] button to return to the beginning of the song. NOTE
When you start playback of
songs, the measure number on
the Basic screen appears in
reverse video. The
performance data is being
loaded while the indication is
highlighted; please wait a few
moments for this to be

Record/Playback Buttons

Track buttons (Rhythm, Whole, Bass/Accomp, Lower, Upper):
Each performance part of the song being played back is assigned to a track button. Use these
buttons to select the performance parts that are muted or played. For more detailed
information, refer to p. 69.
[ (Reset)] button: Returns to the beginning of the song.
[ (Play/Stop)] button:
Plays back the song, or if the song is currently being played, it stops the song.
[ (Rec)] button: Records the performance. For more detailed information, refer to p. 75.
[ (Bwd)] button: Moves back the playback position of the song one measure each time
the button is pressed. When held down, the song rewinds continuously.
[ (Fwd)] button: Advances the playback position of the song one measure each time the
button is pressed. When held down, the song is forwarded continuously.
Holding down the [ (Play/Stop)] button and pressing the [ (Fwd)] button moves
you to the end of the song.
When using markers to specify
a section to be repeated (p. 72),
you can rewind and fast
forward only within the range
etween Marker A and
Marker B.
KR105.book Page 55 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:25 PM