Practice Functions

Moving Markers A and B without Changing the Interval Between Them

1. On the Marker screen, touch or in the middle of the screen.
For example, if you have Marker A set at the beginning of the fifth measure, and
Marker B set at the beginning of the ninth measure, when you touch , Marker
A is moved to the beginning of the first measure, and Marker B is moved to the
beginning of the fifth measure.
Touch to shift Marker A to the beginning of the ninth measure and Marker B
to the beginning of the thirteenth measure.

Playing Back the Same Passage Over and Over

You can play back a particular passage over and over. This is convenient when you
want to focus on a passage.
1. First, set Marker A and Marker B to define the measures you want to


For instance, suppose you want to play back the passage from the fifth through
eighth measures over and over. You should place Marker A at the beginning of the
fifth bar and Marker B at the beginning of the ninth bar.
2. Touch <Repeat> in the Marker screen.
The setting is made for repeated playback of the passage from marker A to marker B.
When you play the song, the marked section of music plays back repeatedly.

Cancelling Repeat Playback

3. Touch <Repeat> in the Marker screen, and the icon returns to the

original color.

Repeat playback is cancelled.
4678 101112 141516
Marker A Marker B
4678 101112 141516
Marker A Marker B
Off On
When <Repeat> is On
If neither Marker A nor
Marker B is set, the song is
played back from the
beginning to the end.
If you only place marker A,
playback repeats from
marker A to the end of the
If you only place marker B,
playback repeats from the
beginning of the song to
marker B.
KR105.book Page 72 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:25 PM