5. Recording and Saving the Performance
You can easily record performances using the five track buttons.
A recorded performance can be played back to listen to your own playing, or to add
additional parts.
You can use the KR105 to make the following kinds of recordings.
Recording just your own keyboard performance Recording a New Song
(New Song) (p. 76)
Recording performances using Automatic Accompaniment
Recording With Accompaniment (p. 78)
Recording along with the internal songs
Recording Along with a Song (p. 80)
Re-recording Recording While Selecting the Track Buttons (Redoing
Recordings) (p. 81)
If the Following Screen Appears
If youve recorded a song or changed a songs settings (see p. 100), the following
message appears on the screen when you try to choose another song.
If its okay to delete the song, touch <OK>.
If you do not want to delete the song, touch <Cancel>, and either save the song (p.
87) or register the song to the Favorites (p. 59).
Recorded performances are
discarded when another song
is selected, or when the power
is turned off. Be sure to save
important performances. Take
a look at Saving Songs (p.
KR105.book Page 75 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:25 PM