Recording and Saving the Performance
Recording Songs Starting with Pickups
You can record songs that start with pickup beats (songs that start on a beat other
than the measures first beat).
Carry out Steps 14 on p. 76 to prepare for recording.
If the [ (Rec)] buttons indicator is not lit, press the [ (Rec)] button so the
indicator is lit.
The KR105 is put in recording standby.
1. Press the [ (Bwd)] button once.
The measure number in the upper right of the Basic screen changes to PU, and the
KR105 is set to record a song starting with a pickup.
Start recording. After a one-measure count, recording begins.

PU 1


Count Sound
Measure –2
Recording begins here
KR105.book Page 84 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:25 PM