Can’t record
Check the remaining space on your CompactFlash memory card. Recording is not
possible if there is little time remaining on the card. In recording-standby mode, the
screen shows the amount of remaining recordable time. An indication of
that there is no time left. Please check the display.
The R-1 can handle up to 255 files. Once the number of files in the CompactFlash card
reaches 255, you won’t be able to make any more recordings.
In this case, the R-1 will enter recording-standby mode, but you will return to the play
mode screen if you attempt to start recording by pressing the record button or play
Refer to: “Recordable times on a CompactFlash card”
(p. 29)
Recording is not possible if the CompactFlash memory card is not inserted correctly. If
the display indicates
No Card
, the R-1 has not detected a CompactFlash memory card.
Turn off the power, and re-insert the CompactFlash memory card.
Refer to: “Memory card handling”
(p. 25)
Recording will not occur correctly if the input level specified by the
input volume
is too low. Please set the input level correctly.
Refer to: “Adjusting the input level”
(p. 30), (p. 33), (p. 36)
If you want to record via a connected mic, connect it correctly to the
mic input jack
You should also check the setting of the
mic type select switch
Refer to: “Mic input jack”
(p. 15),
“Line input jack”
(p. 15),
“Recording with the internal microphone”
(p. 29)
A CompactFlash memory card will not work correctly unless it has been formatted on
the R-1. If you used your computer to format the CompactFlash card, it may not be
formatted correctly for the R-1. In this case, recording will stop immediately after you
begin recording, an indication of
No Song
will appear, and recording will not be
Refer to: “Formatting a CompactFlash card”
(p. 27)
I used a monaural mic to record, but a stereo file was created
The R-1 normally records in stereo. Even if you connect a monaural mic and set the
Setup mode item Input Select to MONO, a stereo file will be created with the same
sound recorded on the left and right (L, R) tracks.
Even if I adjust the recording level, the sound is distorted if I turn on the effect
Since some effects work by boosting a portion of the sound, they may cause the overall
volume of the song to increase. This may cause the sound to clip, producing distortion.
If this occurs, take either of the following actions.
Lower the LEVEL value in the parameters of the effect
This will lower the overall volume, but the character of the effect will be
Lower the input volume to decrease the volume before the effect is applied
This is an easy adjustment to make, but may affect the character of the effect.
R-1_egfis1.book 68ページ 2005年11月11日 金曜日 午後5時13分