No.38: Electronic drum kit

With this kit we can reproduce the electronic drums that were popular in the early 1980s. Previous
drum sound modules did not provide for the creation and editing of the unique parameters of an
electronic drum. Since the TD-10 provides these parameters and also reproduces tonal changes
resulting from changes in velocity (striking force), it gives us powerful electronic sounds with great
potentials in todays dance, hip-hop and rap music scenes.
Lets experiment by changing the amount of pitch bend,a function that modifies pitch during the
decay (duration) of the sound, and is one feature that characterizes an electronic drum. The pitch
bend parameter specifies the amount of pitch change.
1Press [KIT].
The DRUM KIT page will appear.
2Use [INC/DEC] or the VALUE dial to select kit number 38.


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Features of the preset drum kits