Contents |
Disclaimer | 1 |
Introduction | 1 |
Product Registration | 2 |
Features | 2 |
Compatibility | 3 |
System overview | 4 |
KVM station | 4 |
CPU connections | 4 |
Rose Electronics web site | 5 |
Vista | 6 |
Installation | 9 |
Step 1 - Connecting the KVM station | 9 |
Step 2 - Connect the CPUs | 10 |
Step 3 - Applying power | 10 |
Step 4 – Verify keyboard, mouse and CPU operation | 10 |
Operating instructions | 12 |
Keyboard command | 12 |
Keyboard command description | 14 |
KVM Flash Upgrade Utility | 17 |
TroubleShooting | 20 |
Maintenance and repair | 22 |
Technical support | 22 |
Safety | 23 |
Tables |
Table 1. Compatibility | 3 |
Table 2. Front panel description | 6 |
Table 3. Vista 2UPH/4UPH description | 7 |
Table 4. Vista 2PCA/4PCA description | 8 |
Table 5. Keyboard commands | 13 |
Figures |
Figure 1. Typical installation | 5 |
Figure 2. Vista 2 port | 6 |
Figure 3. Vista 4 port | 6 |
Figure 4. Vista to KVM station | 9 |
Figure 5. Vista to CPU's | 10 |
Figure 6. Vista to CrystalView | 11 |
Appendix |
Appendix A. Initial factory settings | 26 |
Appendix B. Parts and cables | 27 |
Appendix C. General specifications | 28 |
Appendix D. Rack mount instructions | 29 |
Appendix E. Rack mount illustration | 29 |
Appendix F. Typematic rate | 30 |