
Deprecated. This AI is included only for backward compatibility.

Type of information this allows you to use:

the encryption type parameter (pad, pad with checksum, or raw) for the RC2 encryption algorithm as defined by BSAFE 1.x. Note that the RC2 algorithm is the same as SX1.

Format of info supplied to B_SetAlgorithmInfo:

pointer to a B_BSAFE1_ENCRYPTION_PARAMS structure:

typedef struct {


int encryptionType;

/* encryption type */


encryptionType should be set to B_BSAFE1_PAD for pad mode, B_BSAFE1_PAD_CHECKSUM for pad with checksum mode, or B_BSAFE1_RAW for raw mode.

Format of info returned by B_GetAlgorithmInfo:

pointer to a B_BSAFE1_ENCRYPTION_PARAMS structure (see above).

Crypto-C procedures to use with algorithm object:

B_EncryptInit, B_EncryptUpdate, B_EncryptFinal, B_DecryptInit,

B_DecryptUpdate, and B_DecryptFinal. You may pass (B_ALGORITHM_OBJ)NULL_PTR

for all randomAlgorithm arguments.

Algorithm methods to include in application’s algorithm chooser:

AM_RC2_CBC_ENCRYPT for encryption and AM_RC2_CBC_DECRYPT for decryption.

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R S A B S A F E C r y p t o - C L i b r a r y R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l

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RSA Security 5 manual AIRC2CBCBSAFE1, Pointer to a BBSAFE1ENCRYPTIONPARAMS structure see above