Deprecated. This type is included only for backward compatibility.
Type of information this allows you to use:
the BSAFE 1.x encoding of an RC2 key, which is the same as an SX1 key.
Format of info supplied to B_SetKeyInfo:
pointer to an ITEM structure that gives the address and length of the BSAFE 1.x encoding. B_SetKeyInfo returns BE_WRONG_KEY_INFO if the encoding specifies a secret key for an algorithm other than the RC2 algorithm (which is the same as SX1).
Format of info returned by B_GetKeyInfo:
pointer to an ITEM structure that gives the address and length of the BSAFE 1.x encoding.
Can get this info type if key object already has:
KI_RC2_BSAFE1 or KI_RC2WithBSAFE1Params.
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