This AI allows you to generate the token form of a
Type of information this allows you to use:
the parameters for generating the token form of a symmetric key. The BSAFE Hardware API (BHAPI) supports token forms of DES, RC2, RC4, RC5, and Triple DES keys.
Format of info supplied to B_SetAlgorithmInfo:
pointer to an A_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SPECIFIER structure:
typedef struct { |
unsigned int | keyUsage; | /* X509 key usage bit map */ |
unsigned int | keyLengthInBytes; |
unsigned long | lifeTime; | /* Key lifetime; under consideration */ |
unsigned int | protectFlag; | /* Store key in encrypted form */ |
unsigned char *cipherName; | /* String tag for key's cipher class */ | |
| /* , e.g., “des” */ |
| |
where cipherName is one of: “des”, “desx”, “rc2”, “rc4”, “rc5”, or “triplexes”.
Format of info returned by B_GetAlgorithmInfo:
pointer to an A_SYMMETRIC_KEY_SPECIFIER structure.
Crypto-C procedures to use with algorithm object:
B_SymmetricKeyGenerateInit and B_SymmetricKeyGenerate.
Algorithm methods to include in application’s algorithm chooser:
C h a p t e r 2 A l g o r i t h m I n f o Ty p e s | 239 |