

int B_SignFinal (



B_ALGORITHM_OBJ algorithmObject,

/* algorithm object */

unsigned char


/* signature output buffer */

unsigned int


/* length of signature output */

unsigned int


/* size of output buffer */



/* random byte source */

A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext

/* surrender context */








B_SignFinal finalizes the digesting process for algorithmObject and computes the digital signature, writing the signature to signature, which is a buffer supplied by the caller of at least maxSignatureLen bytes, and sets signatureLen to the length of the signature. The algorithm object for supplying random numbers is randomAlgorithm; it may be (B_ALGORITHM_OBJ)NULL_PTR for signature algorithms that do not need random numbers. The surrender context for processing and canceling during lengthy operations is surrenderContext; if its value is (A_SURRENDER_CTX *)NULL_PTR, Crypto- C does not use it. algorithmObject is reset to the state it was in after the call to B_SignInit, so that another signing process may be performed.

Return value




Operation was successful.


see Appendix A, ”Crypto-C Error Types”



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R S A B S A F E C r y p t o - C L i b r a r y R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l

Page 342
Image 342
RSA Security 5 manual BSignFinal