C h a p t e r 4
D e t a i l s o f C r y p t o - C F u n c t i o n s
see Appendix A, ”Crypto-C Error Types”
Operation was successful.
Return value
B_GenerateKeypair uses algorithmObject to generate a keypair, setting publicKey and privateKey to the result. The algorithm object for supplying random numbers is randomAlgorithm. The surrender context for processing and canceling during lengthy operations is surrenderContext; if its value is (A_SURRENDER_CTX *)NULL_PTR, Crypto-C does not use it. algorithmObject is reset to the state it was in after the call to
, so that another keypair generation may be performed. See
| B_GenerateKeypair |
| |
B_GenerateKeypair |
| |
| |
int B_GenerateKeypair ( |
| |
B_ALGORITHM_OBJ | algorithmObject, | /* algorithm object */ |
B_KEY_OBJ | publicKey, | /* new public key */ |
B_KEY_OBJ | privateKey, | /* new private key */ |
B_ALGORITHM_OBJ | randomAlgorithm, | /* random algorithm */ |
A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext | /* surrender context */ | |
); |