| AI_SignVerify |
Argument | Values | Comments |
formatMethodName | formatX931 | Signature is output as the binary |
| concatenation of r with s. |
| formatX931PKCS | Signature is output in PKCS #1 style DER |
| encoding. |
| formatX931X957 | Signature is output in X9.57 (DSA) DER |
| format. |
formatParams | Pointer to | Use with rsaSignX931 and rsaVerifyX931. |
| structure of |
| type A_X931_PARAMS |
If formatMethodName is “formatX931”, formatParams must be given a pointer to a structure of type A_X931_PARAMS:
typedef struct { unsigned int blockLen; unsigned int oidNum;
Set the arguments for A_X931_PARAMS as follows:
Argument | Values | Comments |
blockLen | Number of bytes in | This is the number of bytes that the binary |
| final X.931 | concatenation of r with s requires. |
| signature |
oidNum | The object | Currently always equals 3 (SHA) for X9.31. |
| identifier for the |
| SHA1 hash |
| algorithm |
OID | Object identifier | Currently only used when |
| to use for BER | “formatX931PKCS” is specified in the |
| encoding | formatMethodName. |
| PKCS #1 style BER/DER encoding is used. |
Format of info returned by B_GetAlgorithmInfo:
a pointer to a B_SIGN_VERIFY_PARAMS structure (see above).
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