This KI allows you to specify an
Type of information this allows you to use:
Format of info supplied to B_SetKeyInfo:
pointer to an unsigned char array that holds the
For added security, it is prudent to check the proposed key data against known byte sequences that produce weak DES keys before calling B_SetKeyInfo. See the section “DES Weak Keys” in the User’s Manual.
Format of info returned by B_GetKeyInfo:
pointer to an unsigned char array that holds the
Can get this info type if key object already has:
KI_DES8, KI_Item (if the length of the ITEM is 8 and the data's DES parity is correct), or KI_8Byte (if the DES parity is correct).
It is more secure to use KI_DES8Strong instead of KI_DES8. When you call
B_SetAlgorithmInfo with KI_DES8Strong,
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