4 - Configuring the SAGEM F@st™ 1500 ADSL router
SAGEM F@st™ 1500 Reference Manual - 288053220-03
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Up to five community names may be entered.


Specify the IP address of the NMS to notify when a significant event is detected b y the agent.
When a trap condition occurs, the SNMP agent sends an SN MP trap message to any NMS
specified as a trap receiver.
Parameter Description
IP Address Traps are sent to this address when errors or specific events occur on the network.
Community A community string (password) specified for trap management. Enter a word,
something other than public or private, to prevent unauthorized individuals from
accessing information on your system.
Version Sets the trap status to disabled, or enabled with V1 or V2c.
The v2c protocol was proposed in late 1995 and includes enhancements to v1 that
are universally accepted. These include a get-bulk command to reduce network
management traffic when retrieving a sequence of MIB variables, and a more
elaborate set of error codes for improved reporting to a Network Management Station.
4.11.4 UPnP
Click Enable to turn on the Universal Plug and Play function of the ADSL Router. This function
allows the device to automatically:
¾ dynamically join a network,
¾ obtain an IP address.