3 - Configuring Client Computer
SAGEM F@st™ 1500 Reference Manual - 288053220-03
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8) W indows may copy some files, and will then prompt you to restart your system. Click Yes
and your computer will shut down and restart.
TCP/IP Configuration Setting
Primary DNS Server ____.____.____.____
Secondary DNS Server ____.____.____.____
Default Gateway ____.____.____.____
Host Name ____.____.____.____
Disable HTTP Proxy
You need to verify that the “HTTP Proxy” feature of your web browser is disabled. This is so that
your browser can view the SAGEM F@stTM 1500 ADSL Router’s HTML configuration pages.
(refer to Internet Explorer on § 3.2.1).
Obtain IP Settings from SAGEM F@stTM 1500 ADSL Router
Now that you have configured your computer to connect to your SAGEM F@stTM 1500 ADSL
Router, it needs to obtain new network settings. By releasing old DHCP IP settings and
renewing them with settings from your SAGEM F@stTM 1500 ADSL Router, you can also verify
that you have configured your computer correctly.