4 - Configuring the SAGEM F@st™ 1500 ADSL router
SAGEM F@st™ 1500 Reference Manual - 288053220-03
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4.6 Wireless
The SAGEM F@st™ 1500 ADSL Router also operates as a wireless access point, allowing
wireless computers to communicate with each other. To configure this f unction, all you need to
do is enable the wireless function, define the radio channel, the domain id entifier, and the
security options. Check Enable and click “Apply".
In this menu is included the following sub-menus:
¾ Channel and SSID (see section 4.6.1),
¾ Access control (see section 4.6.2),
¾ Security (see section 4.6.3),
¾ WEP (see section 4.6.4),
¾ WPA setting (see section 4.6.5),
¾ 802.x (see section 4.6.6).