4 - Configuring the SAGEM F@st™ 1500 ADSL router
SAGEM F@st™ 1500 Reference Manual - 288053220-03
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4.11 AdvancedIn this menu is included the following sub-menus:
¾ ADSL (see section 4.11.1),
¾ Remote Management (see section 4.11.2),
¾ SNMP (see section 4.11.3),
¾ UPnP (see section 4.11.4).
4.11.1 ADSLADSL Status Information
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) is designed to deliver more bandwidth downstream
(from the central office to the customer site) than upstream . This section is used to display the
ADSL operation type its status.