4 - Configuring the SAGEM F@st™ 1500 ADSL router
SAGEM F@st™ 1500 Reference Manual - 288053220-03
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IP assigned by ISP Click Yes or No to assign or no IP address to your ISP
IP Address IP address of the ATM interface.
Subnet Mask Subnet mask of the ATM interface.
Connect Type • Always connected Your router is always connected to the WAN (automatic mode).
• Auto - Triggered by traffic Your router only connect to WAN when traffic is on (automatic
•Manual - Start in Disconnected When your router start, this is disconnected to WAN (Manual
• Manual - Start in Disconnected When your router start, this is connected to WAN (Manual
• Manual - Start in Last State When your router start, this connect to WAN in last stated
(Manual mode).
Idle Time (Minute) Enter the maximum idle time for t he Internet connection. After this time has been exceeded the
connection will be terminated.
Username In the field it appears the username that you entered during the SETUP WIZARD menu
Password In the field it appears the Password that you entered during the SETUP WIZARD menu
Confirm Password In the field it appears the Confirm Password that you entered during the SETUP WIZARD menu
Confirm Password In the field it appears the Confirm Password that you entered during the SETUP WIZARD menu
MTU Specifies the maximum size of the payload data in IP packets as a number of bytes (1500 in
The following parameters only appear in "Routed" mode that you can select in the "Protocol"field:Default Gateway Default gateway of the ATM interface.
DHCP Client Check this box if your ISP assigns an IP to clients using DHCP.