4 - Configuring the SAGEM F@st™ 1500 ADSL router
SAGEM F@st™ 1500 Reference Manual - 288053220-03
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4.11.3 SNMP
Use the SNMP configuration screen to display and modify param eters for the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).

SNMP Setting

A computer attached to the network, called a Network Management Station ( NMS), can be used
to access this information. Access rights to the agent are controlled by comm unity strings. To
communicate with the SAGEM F@st™ 1500 ADSL Rou ter, the NMS must first submit a valid
community string for
Parameter Description
Community A community name authorized for management access.
Access Management access is restricted to Read Only (Read) or Read/Write
Valid Enables/disables the entry.