| OSD |
| Description |
| Used to t urn t he Highlight Zone f eatures on or off. |
| |
| Note : When "OFF" is selected, th e user can not choose a ny other Highlight Zone |
| features. |
| This function is to move th e Highlight Zone h orizontally. |
| |
| This function is to move th e Highlight Zone vertically. |
| |
| |
| This function is to adjust the horizontal size of the H ighligh t Zon e. |
| |
| |
| This function is to adjust the vertica l size of the Highlig ht Zone. |
| |
| |
| This function is to execute th e Highlight Zone. |
| |
| This function is to use the co ntrast o f the H ig hlight Zone . |
| |
| This function is to adjust the sha rpn ess of the H igh light Zone. |
| |
You can see th e fre quency (u ser control mode) used by th e user, the polarit y o f the op erationa l signals, the d efault
frequ ency (defa ult mode) set wh en you bu y t he mon itor and the resolu tio n le ve l.
Note : The se screens do n ot allo w any chan ges to the set ting s, they are for inf orma tio n only.