Automatic detect
Manual detect
Exit Program
Auto Detect
Picture Setting
F ull Screen
Highlight Off
Other Features
Automat ic d et ect
1.When the Highlight program is running, the m onitor autom atic ally detects the video
Major m ultim edia progr am s : Windows Media P layer, RealP lay er 8 .0, v ideo play ers on the br oadc asters ¡¯ webs ites , etc .
Howev er, Autom atic Detec t may not work with a DV D player. ( In this c as e, change the setting to M anual Detec t mode to cr eate a Highlight Zone .) Selec t 'Off' in A uto Detect m enu when you wish to deac tiv ate the Autom atic Detec t feature .
Since this disables the Auto Detec t capability of the m onitor, the monitor does not autom atically create a Highlight Zone . (When you fir st install the pr ogr am , A utom atic Detect is set to 'O n' .)
Note 1 : When OS D is selec ted while the Auto Detect is running, Highlight Zone tur ns off tem porarily not to disturb adjus tm ent of display c onditions such as br ightnes s and color.