Playing back

Learn actions to play back photos, videos, or voice memos, and managing files.

Starting Playback mode

View photos or play videos and voice memos stored in your camera.

￿￿You can also view files by tilting the camera.

(Motion recognition may not work well if you hold the camera parallel to the ground.)

1 Press [P].

￿￿ The most recent file you have taken or recorded will be displayed.

￿￿ If the camera is off, it will turn on.

2 Draw a horizontal bar left or right to scroll through files.

￿￿Select < to view the previous file. Hold to view files quickly.

￿￿ Select > to view the next file. Hold to view files quickly.

￿￿ To deactivate this function, select M ￿ . ￿￿Gesture View ￿ Off in Playback mode.

￿￿ If you want to view files stored in the internal memory, remove your memory card.

￿￿ The camera will not properly play back files that are too large or those taken with cameras from other manufacturers.

Playback/Editing 62