Changing the camera’s focus

Using smart touch focus a p s d

Smart Touch AF allows you to track and auto focus on your subject, even when you are moving.


In Shooting mode, select f ￿ ￿ .


Touch the subject you want to track in the touch area


(indicated by a frame).

￿￿A focus frame will appear on the subject and will follow the subject as you move the camera.

￿￿The white frame means that your camera is tracking the subject.

￿￿The green frame means that your subject is in focus when you half-press [Shutter].

￿￿If you do not touch any area on the screen, the focus frame will appear in the centre of the screen.

￿￿Tracking a subject may fail when:

-the subject is too small or the subject moves

-the subject is backlit or you are shooting in a dark place

-colours or patterns on the subject and the background are the same

-the camera shakes excessively

In these cases, the focus frame will appear as a white single-line frame.

￿￿If the camera fails to track the subject, you must reselect the subject to track.

￿￿If the camera fails to fix the focus, the focus frame will change to a red single-line frame.

￿￿If you use this function, you cannot set face detection and photo style options.

Shooting options 47