Playing back

Playing a video

You can play a video, capture an image from a video, or crop a video.


In Playback mode, select a video ￿ .


Use the following icons to control playback.

Option Description

Images: Select photos (up to 2,000) for your slide show.

Play Mode: Select whether or not to loop the slide show.

Interval: Set the interval between photos.

￿￿This will be available when is selected in the

Effect menu.

￿￿When used with an effect option other than , the interval will be set to 1 sec.

Music: Select background audio.


￿￿ Select a transition effect.

￿￿ Select for no effects.




Scan backward.




Pause or resume playback.




Stop playback.

Scan forward.

Adjust volume or mute sound.

3 Select

to start the slide show.

￿￿Touch on the screen (except for option icons) to pause the slide show.

￿￿Select to switch to Playback mode.

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